The Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Fair
Friday August 15, 1pm - 7pm & Saturday August 16, 10am - 4pm
Exhibitor Information
Our 41st Year!
Tickets Available in June 2025
Watch here for advance ticket purchase
Good news – NO – GREAT NEWS! The Rocky Mountain Book & Paper Fair is back to Friday and Saturday, August 15-16, 2025 with early set up on Thursday, August 14, 2025.
In 2024 we boosted advertising in an effort to reach 1,000 customers through the door in 2 days and we had 987! Sales were great so when you ask yourself, “Should I participate in the Rocky Mountain Book & Paper Fair?” the answer should be a resounding YES!
You need to be there!
The fair will be at the spacious Douglas County Fairgrounds in Castle Rock, a short 30 minutes from downtown Denver -- a booming metropolitan area that's now home to 3.6 million people. As the region's premier book fair now in its 41th year, dealers from throughout the US make it a point to exhibit at the fair, and booklovers often plan vacations around it.
We’ll expand marketing effort again this year to ensure maximum attendance. Many exhibitors meet customers at our fair that they're able to turn in to regulars. The fair's a unique way to start these relationships -- and a perfect venue for you to showcase your best stock.
Reserve your spot now, and you'll get our best early-bird rate! (We'll also have special rates for convenient nearby lodging.)
If you've exhibited at the fair before, we look forward to seeing you again. If you're a first-timer considering taking the plunge, we'll do everything we can to make your participation easy, fun, and profitable.
Rocky Mountain Book & Paper Fair Committee
2025 Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Fair Documents and Forms